CRank: 5Score: 1900
5588d ago
5589d ago

Sorry little kid, you are just a noob in SF. Youre no pro so dont talk like as you are one lol.

You think the controls are fine but reality is they are DISGUSTINGLY HORRIBLE.
You probably lose every match you play or win by sheer luck cos your opponent has the same fking problem: cant control his character.

Meanwhile you think you so good but you are not. Hahaha@ blind fanboys trying to make it sound like how nothing is wrong with the controls. Talk about MASSI...

5589d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Mnk is the nr1 melee damage dealer back then and probably still are.

Sam was one of the less favoured damage dealers back then just like dark knights.

I dont know what youre talking about. MNK > WAR > NIN > RNG > BLUE > SAM > DRK

5589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He is failing hard and I feel sorry for him because he will never be able to experience the ultimate shooter experience that is KZ2.

Yes, I have noticed the helghast pointing at his head. Yes, they flank and use group tactics.

The SP is a blast and definitely miles better than COD4s single player.

The MP is insanely fast and hectic. I still have to get used to aiming in multi player.

5590d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trying to perform shoryukens but Ryu kept jumping forward and got pwned by Blanka.

Yes, only on 360.

With PS3 no such trouble needed. It comes with rumble and SIXAXIS.

SF4 and Tekken, best played on PS3 by a long shot.

Fact is that the controls on the 360 for SF4 are HOR-RI-BLE. Its no wonder how all the reviews for this game, were based on the PS3 version. But look at what the biased reviewers did. They didnt deduct points on the 360 versi...

5590d ago 14 agree12 disagreeView comment

One good year with Halo 3 and a bunch of multi platform titles, like Mass effect and Bioshock, and suddenly "PS3 was dead", "360 rules", "no reason to buy PS3", "Sony is going bankrupt", "not worth 600 bucks", "360 is the best console", "360 is the true next gen with the best games", "360 has the best Triple As" etc etc.

Fking hilarious. Seems like PS3 has claimed 2008 with a shiatload of Triple A gam...

5590d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

360 only has the following worthwhile exclusives. No shovelware will be included.

Gears of war 2 (for how much longer?)
Halo 3
Halo wars
Ninja Gaiden
Blue Dragon
Lost Oddysey
Forza 3

Mass effect is not on the list because its multi platform. Much like Left4dead, Fable 2, Mass effect 2, Gears of war, Lost planet, dead rising, Command and Conquer and more.

Nothing else is listed, because its shovelware. Banjo, like it or...

5590d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment

everyone knows the gaming industry belongs to Sony and the Playstation brand.

2008 is PS3s.
2009 is in the bag too.

And oh boy, its not even a contest. Its a slaughter. Endless waves of Helghan's Triple A's.

5590d ago 29 agree11 disagreeView comment

From article: "Another PlayStation exclusive falls by the wayside, and we’re very happy!"

A shiatty xbot will always remain a shiatty xbot. Xbots dont even know they cant control the characters with the horrible horrible 360 controller they have.

Like I said, even in the days of their doom, they still run around like they own the place.

Oh how reality will struck them like bricks falling on top of them hahaha.

5590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game stinks and sucks. Ive played it for a while on my local gameshop and boy are the graphics and gameplay disappointing!

To put Halo wars in the same league as Starcraft or Age of Empires is an absolute big joke.

A joke only shameless xbots dare to play. Because they are shameless and have sunken to rock bottom.

The game stinks and is an absolute insult to RTS gamers worldwide. But lets these xbots think this game is good yo. Ensembles doesnt giv...

5590d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yes, when GTA4 came out, PS3 was at 10 million units worldwide.

They are now at 22 million units worldwide. OWNED!
Things have changed, xbot. The tables have turned. The 360 is done for. MS firing the XBOX division en masse. The 360 is still bleeding red. Bungie is gone and Halo OST is going to be their last Halo project. Halo wars have failed and Ensembles dont care because they are Robotnik now. Mass effect 2 is going to be multi platform. Gears of wars 2 was a big lie an...

5590d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

ilemon and xlibvegamer are obvious 360 fanboys in defensive mode trying to convince us how KZ2 does not look better than Crysis
when the game has already been played for 3 days or so and around 99% of the people who played it, rate it higher than Crysis. Yes, KZ2 looks better than Crysis. In your face.

ilemon is furthermore completely wrong on how KZ2 is only confined to small rooms and corridors. His ridiculous claims has blown his cover and that he has not played the game...

5590d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

when the game has already been played for 3 days or so and around 99% of the people who played it, rate it higher than Crysis.

ilemon is furthermore completely wrong on how KZ2 is only confined to small rooms and corridors. His ridiculous claims has blown his cover and that he has not played the game at all and that he doesnt know what he is talking about and that he is a 360 fanboy bashing the game.

Because had he played KZ2, he would have known that the single play...

5590d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

1) One Tekken has more moves, juggles, combos, and hidden moves and animation than all the SF series COMBINED.
2) Most Tekken moves are based on real life martial art moves and simply look stunning to watch in full 3D and give total satisfaction when performed right.
SF moves make no sense and are all fantasy based. Not to mention, Tekken moves are simply more flashy. Bling bling people.
3) Tekken has faster gameplay while SF has slower gameplay
4) Tekken doesnt have s...

5590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Law (cant wait to play him using his new badass animations. He now has a ground stomp from one of Bruce's movies).
Feng (ultimate kickass character. I dont care what anyone else says. Feng is simply the strongest).
Armor King (learned him just for Tekken 6 because he is ACE in tekken 6. Full S rank baby)

5590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So hows SF4 goin, boy. Hahaha can you pull of one shoryuken in a fight now. owned.

5590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 version >>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>& gt;> 360 version
By miles.

Thats not a fanboy statement. That is simply a reality. The game is made for the PS3 hardware and ported to 360.

And the 360 controller is horrible for fighting games. If you cant even pull of a shoryuken on SF4, then how on earth do you come to the conclusion that you can get happy playtime with Tekken 6 on your 360??????

I roflmao at that sta...

5590d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least use proper English next time rofl. Because without proper English and grammar, your attempts really do smell of desperation.

"For four years people there has been this talk about Killzone 2 and how amazing it is going to be. Killzone 2 is probably one of the most or the most anticipated game on the PS3 to date."

Thats not English. Thats sad attempt at trolling.

And Ive been playing KZ2 single player and it beats the shiat out of every ...

5590d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 isnt the only game where you cant join friends room because its full. Never seen you complain in other games about this before.

And last time I checked, they allow you to adjust controls.


5590d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment